Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois host 2016 Induction at SXU

Saint Xavier University (SXU) hosted the 2016 Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Induction on Saturday, May 14 in the Shannon Center located on SXU's Chicago campus, 3700 West 103rd Street. A group of dynamic young people who have chosen to dedicate themselves to a future career teaching students in schools-of-need were welcomed into the prestigious program. To learn more about the Induction ceremony and a list of the 2016 scholars, please visit the Golden Apple website.
Additionally, SXU's Department of Biology is proud to announce that Adjunct Instructor Jason Crean, M.S., recently received his received a Golden Apple Award. He was selected from a pool of 400 nominations for being one of the top high school teachers in the Chicago area. Crean was honored because of his hands-on teaching style, which makes students active learners and scientists themselves. His esteemed recognition will air on WTTW Channel 11 on Thursday, June 2.
About Golden Apple
2016 marks Golden Apple's 31st year of innovating teacher preparation and leadership to transform both the careers of teachers as well as the lives of students in Illinois. Many of our Golden Apple Award recipients choose to give back by participating as instructors, academic coaches, and mentors in both our aspiring teachers program (i.e., "The Golden Apple Scholars") and our professional development program (i.e., "The Golden Apple STEM Institute").
Because the critical contributor to student achievement is the quality of the teacher in the classroom, Golden Apple provides exceptional teacher preparation for teachers at all stages of their careers. Our focus is on advancing educational excellence for Illinois' most under-served students. Scholars are recruited from the communities in which they return to serve -- with a passion for teaching and a drive to create positive change for young people in their communities. We enhance their college education with exemplary advanced teacher preparation, game-changing resources and lifelong support, and, they, in turn, stay in teaching for five or more years.
Golden Apple is comprised of recognized superior educators, including Golden Apple Award recipients and finalists, leading a passionate team of devoted staff with technical and program expertise, as well as a connected and committed board of directors charged with overseeing our strategic vision. Visit Golden Apple's website for more information.