Illinois Business and Higher Education Leaders Partner to help College Students Prepare for Careers

Saint Xavier University (SXU) will host a press conference today, Tuesday, September 27 starting at 10:15 a.m. in Warde Academic Center's Center of Instructional Design and Academic Technology (CIDAT) area (lower level) located on the University's Chicago campus, 3700 West 103rd Street. This event comes as a result of the Higher Education Commission on the Future of the Workforce issuing its findings on efforts underway in Illinois to increase the number of working aged adults with college degrees to meet the state's workforce needs.
Tom Cross, chair of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), along with commission members, 36th State District Representative Kelly Burke; John Rico, chief operating officer of Rico Enterprises; Dr. Alice Marie Jacobs, recently retired president of Danville Area Community College; and Dr. James Applegate, IBHE executive director will summarize the Commission's work.
An additional announcement by USA Funds Vice President Anna Gatlin Schilling will describe a new partnership between IBHE, the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, and four Illinois regional communities to better match higher education, training programs with workforce needs. This comes as a result of the Commission's final recommendations.