Halfway to Homecoming
Join Saint Xavier University's (SXU) Office of Alumni and Friends for the Fifth Annual Halfway to Homecoming Event on Friday, March 4 from 6 to 10 p.m. at Bourbon Street, 3359 West 115 Street. Come out to celebrate the halfway mark to Homecoming 2016 with fellow SXU community members and friends of the University.
Last year more than 80 SXU alumni and friends enjoyed the music, food and festivities as they made plans for Homecoming 2015. Let's do it again for Homecoming 2016!
Admission is $30 per person, which includes unlimited appetizers, beverages and a chance to win prizes!
For more information about upcoming alumni events contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations at 773-298-3316 or alumniFREESXU.