SXU’s Meg Carroll conducted workshops at local area schools
Saint Xavier University’s (SXU) School of Education (SOE) Professor Meg Carroll, Ed.D., provided a full-day workshop for the faculty of Saint James Elementary School in Arlington Heights on June 9. Saint James employs two full-time special educators and, increasingly, these teachers are serving students with disabilities by co-teaching with general education teachers at all grade levels.
Dr. Carroll provided a day and a half of professional development for the faculty of Our Lady of Tepeyac Elementary School in Little Village (Chicago) on June 13 and 14. The faculty explored practices of data-based referrals for students to be evaluated for eligibility for special education services, including progress monitoring. They also were led to review quizlets available to support student learning with evaluation aligned with the Aspire Assessment adopted by the Archdiocese of Chicago. In the half day session, the teachers considered the research on bullying and classroom management, developing school-wide behavior expectations for all physical areas within the school, in a PBS style model.
On June 27 and 28, Dr. Carroll conducted Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workshops for area elementary teachers. One seminar was about teaching money skill and the other was about teaching that how air takes up space and is matter and how wind proves this concept. Both sessions included digital resources and hands-on experiences and were delivered in the SXU Chicago STEM Center.