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Mercy Word of the Week


The Mercy Word of the Week

As we progress through the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, University Ministry offers our community a "Mercy Word of the Week" to help us focus on the themes of mercy that are already so closely aligned to our mission and heritage as an institution sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy.

The first Monday of each month will bring a brief reflection on each of the University's Core Values as expressions of our Mercy charism. We hope these focused thoughts will lead to your own considered contemplation on mercy and its role in your life.

Hope: Hope springs eternal! That's why we’ve brought back this word that first appeared in week 2 of our Jubilee Year.

Life often throws us curve balls and can leave us wondering how we will manage when circumstances prevent us from succeeding. As we experience the Lenten season, we begin to focus on hope as we anticipate the resurrection of the Lord and the chance for growth as we await the spring season.

During difficult times, we search for hope because it can help us transcend despair and darkness and enables us to adapt and embrace life’s endless changes. Hope gives us strength and moves us into the light. Once we are able to accept our course, we must find the courage to seek solutions and we can only do that if we have hope…hope that convinces us we can change and learn from our mistakes and misfortunes. Hope gives us the ability to recognize ourselves as human beings striving to be better and to continually renew ourselves to be our very best.

Without hope life would cease. Hope, like air, is necessary for nurturing and growth; hope gives us the ability to look to the future and continue our mission to be better. Hope, just like spring, allows us to open our eyes and hearts to others and see potential and promise for a better day and a better world.