SXU's Molly Maley-Gaik won Dr. Wayne Brown Ed Tech Leader Award

Saint Xavier University's (SXU) Chief Information Officer Molly Maley-Gaik recently received the 2016 Dr. Wayne Brown Ed Tech Leader Award, a prestigious higher education award that allows for information technology professionals to recognize their peers and colleagues. The award honors those who demonstrate effective leadership, innovation and true creativity when it comes to planning and installing modern technology. It also focuses on technology leaders who go above and beyond to help their peers, and those who offer positive and compelling contributions to the higher education community. Candidates for this award were nominated by their peers and colleagues and also select a winner through a voting process.
Hundreds of votes came in from the higher education IT community. Gaik was selected by her peers for her strategic leadership and her proven initiative which focuses on improving the student experience to support student success across the campus by increasing operational efficiency through a collaborative effort.
SXU would like to offer its congratulations, to Molly! For more information about the Dr. Wayne Brown Ed Tech Leader Award, please visit the Tambellini Group's website.