Shannon Center Weekly Nutrition Tip – Realistic Health Tips
Five Realistic Health Tips from One Mom to Another
There are days when really there is not enough time to go for a run or to the gym. So as I begin my quest to drop a few pounds while juggling my super awesome schedule…I jotted down some ways I can move more while watching my diet as well.
- You still have to exercise! The question is how and when? Look at your schedule and at least schedule two exercise sessions per week (schedule more if you have the time, but I find two is very manageable). Make workout dates with friends or run buddies. Sign-up for that class or register for the next Run to Pub. At least it's written down now and in your schedule.
- Even small bits of activity squeezed in throughout the day add up! Make a goal in that Fitbit and month after month make sure your activity level is going up! Compete in a challenge. Go for walk breaks on the stairs. Take a lap around the building after that meeting – just try and get up and move more, especially on those days when hitting the gym is not going to happen. Download the seven-minute workout app and get going!
- Combine a day with no exercise with poor eating choices and you have a recipe to gain and not lose. The more you plan your dinners in advance, the more you are able to skip the drive thru and stick to your game plan. Some lighter options on your low output days could be good o'l salad, cup of soup and some whole grain crackers, homemade pizza using Flatout bread.
- Skip the alcohol…well, at least cut back. As much as I would love to unwind every night with a glass of my favorite craft brew after the kids are in bed, unfortunately those calories add up! I found that if I want to be successful losing a few pounds, I also have to cut back on even some of my favorites.
- Get some sleep! No matter what, if you are putting everyone else first, trying to work out, plan meals, organize, do everything moms do…you got to get some sleep. Without sleep, stress hormones surge, your urge to grab every carb in site goes up and your energy levels go down, leading to skipped workouts and bad mojo. Aim to get at least seven hours a night if you can (that has been my main resolution in 2016; hasn't been greatest over the summer, but I am re-focusing on getting to bed early now that the kids are back in school).
Kelly Devine Rickert MS RDN CSSD LDN