SXU Hosts 5th Annual Toys for Tots Drive

With the holiday season right around the corner, Saint Xavier University (SXU) wants to spread a little holiday cheer by proudly collecting toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program now through Saturday, December 10.
Since 1947, the U.S. Marine Corps annually collects toys at Christmas for less fortunate children in an effort to send them a message of hope that will help them grow into responsible, productive and patriotic citizens.
SXU will be accepting new unwrapped toys at multiple donation locations across its Chicago campus, 3700 West 103rd Street, which include: Warde Academic Center's Main Entrance; Student Veteran Resource Center; Office of Admission; Office of Records and Advising; Office of Student Life; Shannon Center; and Gilhooley’s Grande Saloon.
The objective of the annual Toys for Tots drive are to help children in need experience the joy of Christmas, to nurture the development of children, to unite members of local communities in a common cause and to contribute to the future betterment of communities. In the 69 years since the Toys for Tots program began, the Marines have distributed more than 512 million toys to more than 237 million underprivileged children.
This is the fifth year SXU's Student Veteran Alliance has planned and organized this program and will continue to support and distribute toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community. SXU's Toys for Tots drive will culminate with a partnership with the Shannon Center's Santa 2K Run/Walk, which is taking place in early December.
About Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Toys for Tots, a 69-year national charitable program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, provides happiness and hope to disadvantaged children during each Christmas holiday season. The toys, books and other gifts collected and distributed by the Marines offer these children recognition, confidence and a positive memory of a lifetime. It is such experiences that help children become responsible citizens and caring members in their community. Last year, the Marine Corps fulfilled the holiday hopes and dreams of 7 million less fortunate children. Since 1947, over 237 million children have been assisted. For more information, visit the Toys for Tots' Website.