Saint Xavier University to host "Work Out to Wipe Out" event on March 19
Join Saint Xavier University (SXU) and the community for the 5th Annual Work Out to Wipe Out (WOWO) event on Saturday, March 19 from 9:15 to 11 a.m. in the Shannon Center located on SXU's Chicago campus, 3700 W. 103rd Street. This event is a community-wide initiative to promote domestic violence awareness. All proceeds will benefit A New Direction Beverly Morgan Park, a non-profit counseling and advocacy agency serving victims of domestic violence free of charge.
Stop in the Shannon Center and participate in an exercise class or feel free to use the fitness center and track for a suggested donation of $25. There are also over 20 other fitness facilities participating in this event throughout the surrounding local communities.
For more information on how to donate or participate, please contact the Shannon Center at 773-298-3592. To register, please go online.