Saint Xavier cheerleading tryouts for 2017-18 coming in April
Saint Xavier University's (SXU) cheerleading coach Julie DeCarlo will host a tryout clinic and tryout for the 2017-18 squad on Saturday, April 1 and Sunday, April 2 and take place at the Shannon Center on SXU's Chicago campus, 3700 West 103rd Street. The clinic will run from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 1; and 9 to 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 2.
Cheerleaders will be scored on various skills within the cheer, dance, jumps, tumbling and stunt categories, such as motions, technique, coordination, energy and enthusiasm. Interested participants should wear shorts and a white or red t-shirt; cheer shoes are preferred and no baggy clothing or jewelry will be permitted. Females are to have hair pulled back into a bow.
If you are unable to attend tryouts, video tryouts will be accepted and should include a cheer, dance, at least two jumps, and stunting skills. Videos, along with any questions or concerns, should be directed to Julie DeCarlo at jdecarloFREESXU or maio584.jd@gmail.com.