SXU's TJ Martin accepted to present about ableism at GLACUHO conference

Saint Xavier University's (SXU) Office of Residence Life Assistant Director Timothy "TJ" Martin has been accepted to present at the Great Lakes Association of College and University Housing Officers (GLACUHO). This year's conference will take place Sunday, November 12 through Tuesday, November 14 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The conference is a regional gathering of housing and residence life professionals from colleges and universities in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. His presentation is entitled "Ableism within College & University Housing and the Impact on the Profession." About his presentation Martin said, "The goal of the presentation is to challenge professionals in university housing and residence life to examine practices and operations and consider which ones might be ableist. Ableism is discrimination or prejudice, either intentional or unintentional, which favors the able-bodied over individuals with disabilities." Martin has teamed up with colleagues from Washington State University, University of Central Missouri, and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro for this on-going project examining practices within university housing and student affairs.
Martin joined SXU in January as the new assistant director for Residence Life where he coordinates residential education in the on-campus residence halls and the Living-Learning Community program. Martin has his undergraduate degree in speech communications and leadership from Troy University, and a masters in organizational and intercultural communication from the University of Alabama. He has worked in housing and residence life since 2011 at the University of Alabama and Washington State University.