SXU hosts 'Transforming Hate into Love in an Age of Fear' event on October 7
Saint Xavier University (SXU) will host this year's Pax Christi Illinois Annual Gathering event entitled,"Transforming Hate into Love in an Age of Fear" on Saturday, October 7 at noon. This event will be held in McGuire Hall on SXU's Chicago campus, 3700 West 103rd Street. Join us for this interfaith gathering of prayer, reflection and fellowship - all are welcome!
Attendees will hear from keynote speaker, Maureen Costello, who leads the Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance project, one of the nation's leading providers of anti-bias education resources. She oversees all aspects of the project, including the award-winning Teaching Tolerance Magazine, the development of multimedia teaching kits, professional development resources and special projects.
Co-sponsors for this event include: The Bernardin Center for Theology & Ministry at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago; Lombard Mennonite Peace Center; Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loretto Sisters); Women of Faith for Justice; Pax Joyce Ministries; Lewis University Peace Studies, Romeoville; 8th Day Center for Justice, Chicago; West Suburban Faith-based Peace Coalition; The Faith Community of Saint Sabina, Chicago; Wheaton Franciscans; DePaul University, College of Education, Chicago; Sisters of St. Francis, Joliet; Pax Christi Seed Planters, Crete; Pace Bene Campaign for Nonviolence, Crete; Benedictine Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Lisle; Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, Northfield.
For more information, please contact Interim Provost Suzanne Lee at 773-298-3191 or email sleeFREESXU.