Campus Ministry Collecting Pill Bottles for Developing Countries
Saint Xavier University's (SXU) Campus Ministry is collecting empty pill bottles of all colors and sizes to donate to Matthew 25: Ministries where they will be sent to developing countries. Matthew 25: Ministries is an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their mission is to fulfill the call to action in Matthew 25:34-40. They operate all around the world, crossing borders to provide nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless and medical care to the ill.
"We can care for a needy world with the things we throw away," said Rev. Wendell Mettey, founder and president of Matthew 25: Ministries.
Mettey's statement is shown to be true by the Campus Ministry's new initiative to collect unwanted plastic bottles that would otherwise be discarded. These are some of the simplest things taken for granted in everyday life that can make a huge difference to those in less-fortunate countries. The simplicity of keeping medications properly stored, not only for travel but also housing once the patients take them home, is critical. Many times, people in these countries are given their pills wrapped in scraps of paper, which does nothing to protect the medication from moisture or the elements.
"I was feeling so guilty every time I finished a bottle of medicine," said Mary Rita Insley, coordinator of the Mercy Ministry Center. "I was conflicted on what to do with the bottle. Researching the options, I found that the medicine bottles fall through the holes in the recycling machines. Upon further research, I found that Matthew 25: Ministries sends them overseas to developing countries that do not have access to pill containers. They distribute the clean bottles and grind the others for recycling into new bottles. Now we have a positive alternative for both the poor and the environment."
Both prescription and over-the-counter bottles are accepted, but all must have the bottle caps. Donations can be delivered to the Mercy Ministry Center or placed into various collection bins located across campus. For more information on Campus Ministry, visit the SXU website or email campusministryFREESXU.