SXU offers summer camps to community members
Saint Xavier University (SXU) is proud to offer summer camp experiences to children and teens in the community. These camps aim to inspire creativity, expand their knowledge and motivate them to lead in their school as well as their communities. Our summer camps incorporate practical lessons with hands-on learning led by SXU professors and staff. Plus, each camp is held on our beautiful University campus on the South Side of Chicago, exposing youth to the college environment and preparing them for their future.
Explore our summer camps today!
Mathematics and Art Summer Camp -- June 25-29
The Mathematics and Art Summer Camp is for middle school students (entering grades sixth through eighth). To register for the camp or for additional information, please visit our Math Summer Camps page.
Student Media Sumer Camp -- June 25-29
The Media Summer Camp is open to incoming high school freshmen through graduating seniors. This year's camp will be focused on radio broadcasting. Come out and learn about radio broadcasting with our own radio station, WXAV! To register for the camp or for additional information, please visit our Student Media Summer Camp page.
SXU-Southside Summer Jazz Camp -- July 16-20
The SXU-Southside Summer Jazz Camp is open to students in grades six through twelve and provides students with the opportunity to learn from and work with SXU's accomplished group of jazz educators who will help them gain their confidence and improve on their abilities as section players, improvisers and sight-readers. To register for the camp or for additional information, please visit our SXU-Southside Summer Jazz Camp page.
Secrets of Mathematics Summer Camp -- July 23-27
The Secrets of Mathematics Summer Camp is for high school students. To register for the camp or for additional information, please visit our Secrets of Mathematics Summer Camp page.