SXU Hosts Honors Jazz Band Festival on February 10
Saint Xavier University (SXU) Jazz Department invites students to join them for the first All-Catholic High School Honors Jazz Band Festival on February 10, 2019. Students will participate in a day of rehearsals, workshops and master classes with SXU's jazz faculty and unique guests. The festival will conclude with an evening concert featuring the All-Catholic Honor Band alongside the SXU Jazz Ensemble.
The festival is open to all high school students attending a Catholic high school. Band directors are encouraged to nominate up to three students by completing the nomination form no later than February 1, 2019. Once students are selected and agree to participate, a $20 participation fee will be required per student on the day of the event. The fee will include tee shirts, meals and a concert recording.
The festival will be held in McGuire Hall (L-216) at the Warde Academic Center from 1 to 6 p.m. with the concert following at 7:30 p.m.