SXU Programs Volunteer for Misericordia Candy Days

The Saint Xavier University (SXU) football team volunteered their time for a worthy cause on April 26, standing at the very busy intersection of 95th Street and Cicero Avenue in Chicago for Misericordia's Annual Candy Days. The Candy Days are held during the final weekend of April each year when more than 10,000 volunteers and coordinators come together to help spread the mission of Misericordia and collect funds throughout the city and suburbs during the two-day event, trading pieces of candy for donations.
Misericordia has a shared history with Saint Xavier University as they both have a lasting heritage with the Sisters of Mercy. In 1969, a young Sister of Mercy named Rosemary Connelly first walked through Misericordia's doors. During these initial days, Sister Rosemary noticed her colleagues' genuine care for children and a significant lack of challenges or goals for them to overcome. Many of these children were growing out of their childhoods and their emotional, psychological and educational needs were quickly changing. Determined to create an environment that would be open to the gifts and abilities of these children, Sister Rosemary took the initiative to build classrooms for primary education and developed programs for self-help skills, speech and physical therapy and recreational activities.
Today, Misericordia offers a community of care that maximizes potential for persons with mild to profound developmental disabilities, many of whom are also physically challenged. By serving society's most vulnerable citizens, Misericordia also serves the families who want the best for them and cannot provide it at home. Through the spectrum of residential options on its 31-acre Chicago campus and in the community, and with a wide variety of programs, Misericordia currently serves more than 600 children and adults residentially, from diverse racial, religious and socio-economic backgrounds.
The football team was not alone in supporting Misericordia's annual fundraiser. The University has a long history of supporting the Candy Days through fundraisers with several student organizations and a range of collection cans across campus. SXU is proud of its students, faculty, staff and programs who dedicate themselves to various community causes and to making a difference.