SXU Announces Inaugural Recipient of Renee Isadore '06 Memorial Scholarship

Saint Xavier University (SXU) has announced the inaugural recipient of the Renee Isadore '06 Memorial Scholarship. This year, Renee's birthday and the family's annual 'Pay it Forward Day' in honor of Renee's legacy kicked off with a breakfast at SXU, where the family got to meet scholarship recipient Taylor Fugett, a junior nursing student.
The scholarship, made possible by the combined efforts of Eddie Isadore, Renee's husband, and Linda Vahl, Renee's best friend, was launched in spring 2021 to honor the life of Renee, who tragically passed in June 2018. Renee's passion for and dedication to the nursing profession was evident to all who knew and loved her, and Fugett was an ideal choice for inaugural recipient.
Fugett, who's also minoring in psychology, was initially drawn to nursing after she witnessed the kind of care her younger sister received from nurses after an emergency surgery when she was a baby. Since then, Fugett knew that she wanted to help families and support them through both difficult and joyful times of care. Fugett, who's eager to use the knowledge she's gaining at Saint Xavier to eventually save lives, is thrilled to receive the scholarship.
"After hearing Renee's story, it means so much to me to be able to receive this scholarship. She was such an amazing woman and there are not even words to explain how grateful and honored I am to use the scholarship funds to help in earning my degree," said Fugett.
Renee's family is just as thrilled.
"This means everything to me. Through this scholarship, her legacy will live on. Renee was such a wonderful person and an amazing nurse, and the opportunity to help a nursing student carry on that legacy and become just as wonderful a nurse means the world," said Eddie Isadore.
"She would have loved to be part of this breakfast. Her spirit is here – I can feel it. She was the most selfless person I knew, and celebrating our new scholarship recipient on Renee's Pay it Forward Day is the perfect tribute," said Linda Vahl.
Each Pay it Forward Day, Renee's family gathers together to spend the day giving back to the community. This year, they focused on serving mothers, children and others in need at St. Germaine Catholic Church, Almost Home and Guildhouse, donating clothing, backpacks, school supplies, toiletries and more. Their dedication to giving back is close to Fugett's heart.
Fugett is part of Saint Xavier's Student Nurses Association and joins with her peers to donate to food drives, donate blood and collect essential items for those in need. She finds that what she is learning in her classes is providing her not only the clinical skills she will need for her future career, but the compassionate communication and care that is critical in the nursing profession.
"SXU's Mercy mission and core values have taught me to respect everyone and always be compassionate. I aim to understand the diversity of everyone who may enter my life, whether as a patient or a friend," said Fugett.
Fugett plans to earn her CNA at the end of the year and begin working in a hospital or nursing home, eventually specializing in neonatal or obstetrics/gynecology.