SXU Announces 2023 Commencement Speakers

Saint Xavier University (SXU) is pleased to announce the 2023 Commencement speakers, who will share their knowledge and expertise while congratulating this year's graduates on achieving their high-quality academic degrees.
On Saturday, May 6, Sister Anita Baird will address the graduates of SXU's College of Arts and Sciences and Sister Karen Schneider, M.D., will address the graduates of SXU's Graham School of Management (GSM) and School of Nursing and Health Sciences (SONHS). Sister Anita will receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Arts and Letters, honoris causa and Sister Karen will receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa.
Sister Anita is part of the Religious Congregation of the Society of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary and holds degrees in sociology and theology from DePaul University and Loyola University Chicago. Sister Anita is recognized for her religious and community activism around the nation. She has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Ministry from the Catholic Theological Union in recognition of her outstanding contributions in the work for racial justice in the Catholic Church and city of Chicago. Sister Anita is also the recipient of the National Black Sisters' Conference's Harriet Tubman Moses of Her People Award; NBC-5 Jefferson Award for exceptional community service; and Outstanding Leadership Award by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
A resident of Oak Park, she has served as regional superior, provincial councilor, and U.S. provincial. Sister Anita is the first African American to serve as chief of staff to the Archbishop of Chicago and the founding director of the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office for Racial Justice. Her work included directing the Archdiocese's initiatives to eradicate racism in its structures and institutions. Sister Anita also served as Francis Cardinal George's liaison for race relations in the city of Chicago. Presently, Sister Anita serves as co-chair of the LCWR’s committee on racial justice and the USCCB's Sub-Committee for Jewish-Catholic Dialogue.
Sister Karen entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1983. She holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics education, a Master of Public Health, and a Doctor of Medicine. She taught mathematics at Catherine McAuley High School in Brooklyn before earning her Doctor of Medicine from the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn. After completing a pediatric residency at Yale Children's Hospital and a pediatric emergency medicine fellowship at Johns Hopkins in 2002, she joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins University.
Sister Karen coordinates the Pediatric Tropical Medicine elective, supervising clinical experiences for residents in Haiti, Guyana, Kenya, Nigeria, and a number of other countries. She has completed more than 100 medical mission trips. She is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Ambulatory Pediatric Association, and Amnesty International.
Sister Karen has been recognized for her international medical work in the service of children and has received honorary doctorates from Carlow University, Mount Mercy University, Georgian Court University, Maria College, Mount Aloysius College, St. Joseph's College, and Trocaire College. Her tireless efforts have been spotlighted by the media many times. She has been featured on CBS News, Catholic News Service, CNN, and the National Catholic Reporter.
Commencement will be held in the Shannon Athletic and Convocation center, located at 3700 W. 103rd Street. This event requires tickets for admission. For more information about SXU's 2023 Commencement ceremonies, visit SXU's website or contact commencementFREESXU.