SXU Drama Presents "Game of Tiaras"

In collaboration with the registered student organizations Start by Believing and The Green Movement, SXU Drama will present "Game of Tiaras" as their spring production. The show will run Friday, March 22, and Saturday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m. in McGuire Hall. Doors will open at 6 p.m., and admission is $10 for the community and SXU faculty and staff.
When the Drama Club met back in October to discuss possibilities for the spring production, "Game of Tiaras" drew their attention.
"We were intrigued by the description of the show as a Shakespearean mix of 'Game of Thrones' and the Disney princesses, so we read over a few scenes. The show was so hilarious and over the top that we decided right then and there that was the show we wanted to do," said Giuliana Islas, SXU Drama president, who recommends audience members come to the show with an open mind.
The plot makes up a hilarious and chaotic story full of drama, love, and battle as the princesses fight for their right to the throne. To prepare for the production, the actors worked hard to learn their blocking in under a month so they could dedicate as much time as possible to becoming familiar with their characters. They've also spent time together creating their costumes and learning more about each other's roles, and they're very excited to welcome audiences to the production.
"Attendees can expect a hilarious time with jokes peppered throughout the play and amazing actors that bring out the best of these characters," added director Hamiley Truty.
Start by Believing will accept donations for a women's shelter at the door, and 10% of ticket sales will be donated to Earth Justice, a nonprofit environmental law organization that aims to combat climate change and promote care for the earth.
"This play is a very female-centered show, so we all felt passionate about providing aid to women in need. Plus, The Green Movement is always working hard on campus to spread awareness about the earth, and we wanted to be part of that conversation in a meaningful way," said Islas.
The production is rated 14+ due to some instances of violence, crude humor, and language. For more information, email dramaclubFREEmymail.SXU.