How You Help Make an Impact with We Are SXU Day on March 27

In celebration with Saint Xavier University's (SXU) annual tradition of Mission Day, SXU's first day of giving -- We Are SXU Day -- will be on March 27, 2019. This event is a 24-hour participation-driven effort, celebrating 173 years of providing a quality Mercy education to our deserving and talented students. SXU is challenging all alumni to help make an impact to the SXU community and to boost the alumni participation rate this March!
Alumni participation is solely measured by the number of alumni who give annually, not the size of the gift. The power of any donation, no matter the amount, carries an immense impact by improving the University's participation rates that directly contribute to increasing SXU's rankings for such prominent organizations as U.S. News & World Report.
These rankings help put SXU on the map with prospective students as they look for a high-quality education with leadership and service opportunities that will activate the best in each of them, with top employers seeking to higher the very best candidates and with corporations and foundations considering the alumni giving rate when making funding decisions.
By giving to the Saint Xavier Fund, your generosity can also impact change across the University by providing life-changing scholarships; developing new internship and networking opportunities, as well as organized mission and service trips; and creating new spaces across campus conducive to students' quality education, such as the new Human Performance Lab and STEM Studio.
"I feel completely blessed to have received scholarships at SXU," said Genesis Garcia-Fisher '19, one of many students and alumni who have shared their stories of the opportunities SXU scholarships have helped provide. "Scholarships have given me the ability to follow my dreams, which wouldn't have been possible otherwise. It reminds me that I am dedicated, and that I deserve an education that I can share with others."
We Are SXU Day is more than an opportunity to make a gift but a day where all Cougars can spread the word, show their pride and share their stories. Whether student, alumni, faculty, staff or family, every member of the SXU community is encouraged to take to social media and share how SXU has made an impact in your life and your community.
Join SXU on We Are SXU Day and be sure to come out for an evening of community and fun at the We Are SXU Day Social at Gilhooley's starting at 5 p.m.! Visit www.sxu.edu, keyword: We Are SXU Day, for more information on how you can get involved.