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Ray Taylor earned his Ph.D. in African History from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1996. His research focused on the history of colonialism in Francophone West Africa. He began teaching at Saint Xavier the same year.

Since coming to SXU, he has taught courses in the history of Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, World Geography, and World History. He served as Chair of the History and Political Science Division for nine years. He has also served on the Faculty Senate, the General Education Committee, and currently serves on the Faculty Affairs Committee. 


Ph.D. in African History
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Areas of Specialization

History of Africa and the Middle East

Courses Taught

  • HIST 102: World History since 1500
  • SOCSC 101: World Geography
  • HIST 242: History of Africa
  • HIST 243: History of the Middle East
  • HIST 351: Colonial Legacy in Africa


He is currently working on a book on French imperialism in the Senegal Valley and Mauritania during the nineteenth century, based on research in historical archives in France and West Africa.

"Introduction," (with Mariella Villasante Cervello), Colonisations et héritages actuels au Sahara et au Sahel (two volumes), Volume I, pp. 27-66, Harmattan, Paris (2007).

"Les frontières coloniales et leur imposition dans la vallée du Fleuve Sénégal, 1855-1871. Bouleversements des hiérarchies politiques et statutaires," in Mariella Villasante Cervello, editor, Colonisations et héritages actuels au Sahara et au Sahel, Volume I, pp. 199-228, Harmattan, Paris (2007).

"Le langage d'autorité politique et ses traductions en Mauritanie coloniale: Rois, chefs et émirs dans la gebla (sud-ouest) du XIXe siècle," in: Mariella Villasante Cervello, editor, Colonisations et héritages actuels au Sahara et au Sahel, Volume I, pp. 427-444, Harmattan, Paris, (2007).

"L'émirat précolonial et l'histoire contemporaine en Mauritanie," Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord—1999, Vol 37 (2002), pp. 53-69, CNRS Editions.

"Statut, médiation, et ambiguité ethnique en Mauritanie pré-coloniale (XIXè siècle): Les cas des Ahl al-Gibla et des Ahl Ganaar du Trarza," in Mariella Villasanté de Beauvais, ed., Groupes serviles au Sahara: Approche comparative à partir du cas des arabophones de la Mauritanie, Editions du CNRS, 2000.

"Warriors, Tributaries, Blood Money and Political Transformation in Nineteenth Century Mauritania," Journal of African History, 36, 3 (1995).