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Eric Hernandez

Title:Student Success Advisor
Office:Warde Academic Center


Eric Hernandez holds a bachelor's degree in communication studies with minors in educational psychology and human relations from the University of Iowa. Soon after completing his undergraduate studies, he obtained a master's degree in human services program administration at Eastern Illinois University (EIU). Hernandez also had previously been affiliated with the school counseling program at Eastern Illinois University and has extensive knowledge of counseling theories, approaches and interventions for diverse populations.

Hernandez's goal is to help college students explore all their options, help them through their professional and academic journeys, and set them up to succeed at Saint Xavier University.


M.S. in Human Services Program Administration

Eastern Illinois University


Hernandez, E. H., Pirlott, A. G., & DeGirolamo (2023, April). Adding Departmental Student Success Advisors Enhances Academic Advising. Presentation at the annual SXU Staff and Faculty Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Hernandez, E. H. & Pirlott, A. G. (2023, April). The Process of Developing an Internship Program. Presentation at the annual SXU Staff and Faculty Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Hernandez, E.H. (2022, October). I Belong: A Conversation on Belongingness and Self-Exploration. [Invited panelist]. SXU Counseling Center, Chicago, IL.

Hernandez, E.H. (2022, July). Personal Branding. [Invited workshop]. SXU Center for Success, Chicago, IL.