<%@ Page Language="C#" %><% OUC.GenericDMC generic = new OUC.GenericDMC(); OUC.BlogsDMC blogs = new OUC.BlogsDMC(); OUC.FacultyDMC faculty = new OUC.FacultyDMC(); OUC.EventsDMC events = new OUC.EventsDMC(); %> Student-Faculty Partnership Endowment Skip to main contentSkip to main navigationSkip to footer content

Student-Faculty Partnership Endowment

Application Deadline:
Amount Range:
*Up to $1,980
Provost's Office

Scholarship Details

Please note this scholarship is not open yet. More information on the deadline and application process will be coming soon.

Applicant and Awardee Eligibility Requirements

  • Consistent with the intent of the endowment, the Student-Faculty Partnership Endowment supports projects in which at least one undergraduate student and at least one faculty member collaboratively engage in a project with outcomes that include but are not limited to analytical writing or products; publications; compilations of scholarship; oral presentations; works of visual art; exhibits, musical compositions; plays or performances; or other public scholarship.
  • Proposals may be for projects undertaken as part of a course, such as a senior seminar or capstone course.
  • For the purposes of this grant, collaboration means the active involvement of the faculty member in the student's project. This might be a full-fledged faculty-student project partnership or a student project that is closely mentored by the faculty member. Projects involving close collaboration will receive higher priority.
  • Grants will be for up to $1,980. The exact number and dollar amount of awards granted will depend upon the number and quality of applications received as well as on the amount of funding requested.
  • Saint Xavier students in all majors are eligible to apply; applicants and awardees must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the University.
  • Student recipients of the grant will be expected to submit a 2-3 page report summarizing the project and its outcomes as well as any final project product. The project product will be posted to the University repository of research.

Proposal Submission Deadline and Review Process

  • Proposals must be submitted using the application form.
  • All proposals will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the provost. The committee will evaluate the merit and significance of the proposed projects. In particular, consideration will be given to the proposed project's objectives; timeline; reasonableness of the budget; demonstrated need for the requested financial support; and potentially other aspects of the project deemed worthy of consideration by the review committee.
  • The review committee will make recommendations to the provost who will make the final decision and announce the award recipients.

Eligible Expenses

  • Applicants may request up to $1,980 to support project-related activities including, but not limited to:
    Conference presentation or participation costs for students (registration fees, housing and food, travel expenses, etc.)
  • Performance or exhibit related costs for students
  • Student travel to support execution of a research or creative project or related presentation
  • Costs related to purchasing or accessing equipment or other resources needed for research or creative projects (lab access, materials needed to conduct research or create artwork, etc.)
    NOTE: Grant funding cannot be used to support expenses related to a faculty member's participation in the project (travel costs, conference registration fees, stipends, etc.).

Note that requests for reimbursement for eligible expenses must be submitted within 60 days of the date of incurrence, with a June 30, 2024 deadline for expenses incurred during the month of June. Awardees are encouraged to submit requests for reimbursement as soon after the date on which the expense was incurred as possible. Awardees may obtain check request forms to apply for expense reimbursement through their faculty collaborators/mentors.